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7-1-2013 Hey all, just your friendly neighborhood admin here, testing out the announcement table like a boss and trying to see and make sure everything is working like it should.
ADMINS DANNI * NATASHA * KATE * CODING OPEN OPEN OPEN CRITICS NATASHA * OPEN OPEN SECURITY DANNI * OPEN OPEN MODERATORSOPEN OPEN OPEN GRAPHICS TEL ♪ OPEN OPEN WRITING KATE * OPEN OPEN ADVERTISE DANI ! OPEN OPEN IMAGES THANKS TO Chocolate Cream - Betty at Deviantart! Texture thanks to Texturemattic from Deviantart! Paper texture from Northern Dawn at Deviantart! Site graphics and coding by DANNI. Boards by the staff of Unraveled. Content by the members of Unraveled. Stealing is a severe crime and will be punished!